The best investment you can make,
is in your own Health.

Our vending machine provides high-demand, name-brand healthy products

Support Healthy Lifestyle

Having healthy options available make it easier to stay on track of dietary needs.

Variety of Snacks

There's something for everyone. Whatever you're craving, our machine has an option for you!

Convenient payment

No cash on you? Not an issue. Our machine accepts all major credit cards.

Physical & Mental Benefits

Eating healthier snacks fuel your body, which will lead to you having more energy throughout the day.


Our vending machine

We provide healthy products that are not only accessible but also affordable to everyone. Prices are easily comparable to other vending machines, however the health benefits are far greater.

Our machine provides healthy: Nutrition bars, chips, pretzels, fruits, gum, cookies, cereal & granola bars, crackers, seeds & nuts, water, carbonated beverages, juices, and energy drinks.


By having healthy snacks and drinks available, you’re able to stay on track with your fitness goals.


Our vending machine promotes healthier lifestyle and eating habits in the workplace.

People feel more energetic throughout the work day.


Get In Contact

Want to learn more? Get in contact with us if you have any questions concerning our products, our vending machine, or for general questions.

JC Healthy Vending © 2021 All rights reserved